Sunday, October 15, 2006

Poem Archive

Poem Archive

Mostly Silly Poems

Almost Rich
America: A Jerry Bruckheimer-ish Film (Rated R)
Animal Lover
Ask A Hobo
Boy George of the Jungle
The Carnivore and the Vegan
The Chicken Bush
The Crazy Old Scientist
Diary of a Dromedary
Dirk and Doc
George Bush Wal-mart and the Vatican: A Political Poem
The Grass is Greener with Jésus
Gypsies and Goats
Harold the Cockeyed Cockney Cock goes to Texas

I'm Pretty Sure I Would Drink My Own Pee
In A Field of Pumpkins Grown for Seed
I Pushed a Giraffe Down the Stairs
I Put a Possum in My Pocket
I Tripped Over a Penguin at Walgreen’s
The Incident
Karl Marx and Adam Smith at a Carnival
Little Miss Bighead
Mailing Mayhem
My Community Church
My Doggie
My Guidance Counselor is a Pirate
My Guru’s Name is Matt
My Sister is a Rhombus
Nova Scotia
Pete the One Legged Pigeon
Pirate Love
Political Animal
Poison is Static
The Punishment of One Insensitive Rich Man
Reformation, I say
Roger the African Antelope
Shopping For A New Jesus
Someone Else's Pipe
Terry the Terrorist
Wilbur the Combat Wombat

Mostly Serious Poems

A Mudbox Mostly
As Lost as a Blind Man On Vacation By Himself
The Beast with Ambiguous Eyes
Derelict Insects
Fruits of the Spirit
Hospital Thanksgiving
Indivdual Instants
Let the Peace of Christ Rule in Your Hearts

On the Corner
Paycheck to Paycheck
Straight Lines

Mostly Love Poems

A Love Poem
Sonnet Number 18


J.W. Harding said...

FREAK i miss you guys!!!

so last night i talked to matt brummett and told him i had been trying to get a hold of you all week and he reminded me you were in Spain... shoot... hope you are having a good time. get home soon!

J.W. Harding said...


J.W. Harding said...

shoot man!!!! we are out of town this weekend!!!

we have to hang out this next week, even if it means that i come and stalk you at your appartment..... yeah