I've been playing outside ever since forever
Nonsense in a new medium. Poems, Plays, Prose, Political Satire and Philosophical treatises. (Warning: Site may also contain other genres beginning in the letter "P" such as puns, or pomegranates).
Colorless green ideas sleep furiouslyIn empty beds beneath the calmly florescent gazeboDreaming themselves blue faceless smilesMindless thinkers swimmingly stillDawn quickly awaits.
F___ realistic
I'm Ridicualistic
Pragmatic as a mystic
I'm Ridicualisitic
Like Manna's logistics
I'm Ridicualistic
Abrahamicly eccentric
I'm Ridicualisitc
Paradox is intrinsic
To Ridicualisitic
It's not about riches
It's Ridicualistic
Take privlege and risk it
You're Ridicualistic
Beyond Ritualistic
Get Ridicualistic
Spiritually artistic
Is Ridicualistic
So Ridicualisitc
Complexly simplistic
God's Ridicualistic?
(This is a sort of rap done by 13illy which is my rapping name inspired by church yesterday)
Karl Marx wears linen pants
Adam Smith wears a sash
Both men wear moccasins
Because everyone likes moccasins
Karl Marx eats cotton candy
Adam Smith eats a candied apple on a stick
They share a funnel cake
Because everyone loves funnel cake
Karl Marx rides the carousel
Adam Smith rides the roller coaster
They both giggle as they rock their cart on the Ferris Wheel
Because everyone loves the Ferris Wheel
Karl Marx pays to kiss the bearded lady
Adam Smith pays to arm wrestle the strong man
They both sneak into the Siamese twin exhibit
Because everyone knows Siamese twins are just two liars taped together
Karl Marx plays Duck Pond
Adam Smith tries to knock down bottles
They both want to win the giant stuffed Panda
Because everyone wants a giant stuffed Panda
Karl Marx picks the wrong duck
Adam Smith misses all three bottles
They both lose
Because everyone loses at carnival games
Karl Marx uses the Johnny-On-The-Spot
Adam Smith vomits on a pigeon
Both men smile
Because everyone loves the carnival
Check out some sweet art this Friday at the Walnut Gallery @ 18th and Walnut.
There will be an eclectic mix of mediums including photography, sculpture, painting and a custom built motorcycle.
I'll be performing a piece of silliness that I conceived for my friend Andrea Brummett's Gallery called The Diction Canary from 6-9, so if your are down there check us out. Bring your favorite words and tongue twisters and have the Diction Canary orate them.
The Diction Canary is a rare bird from the Amazon jungle that was captured by a British-explorer-orator-philosopher-linguist married couple. Having a natural affinity for ridiculous sounds he quickly picked up their cockney accent. He participated alongside the family in their favorite pastime, word puppetry.
Word Pup•pet•ry n : The act of word manipulation and oral definition
The bird made words dance like marionettes attached to a giant canary. Ask him to speak any tongue-twister or define any English word from his exhaustive Merriam-Webster’s and he will floor you with his phraseology and astound you with his articulate elocution.
Alien vs. PredatorI freaking love the line "I translate the Bible into velociraptor." Man I wish I could have taken some poetry while I was wasting all that money on a theater degree.
by Michael Robbins January 12, 2009 issue of The New Yorker
Praise this world, Rilke says, the jerk.
We’d stay up all night. Every angel’s
berserk. Hell, if you slit monkeys
for a living, you’d pray to me, too.
I’m not so forgiving. I’m rubber, you’re glue.
That elk is such a dick. He’s a space tree
making a ski and a little foam chiropractor.
I set the controls, I pioneer
the seeding of the ionosphere.
I translate the Bible into velociraptor.
In front of Best Buy, the Tibetans are released,
but where’s the whale on stilts that we were promised?
I fight the comets, lick the moon,
pave its lonely streets.
The sandhill cranes make brains look easy.
I go by many names: Buju Banton,
Camel Light, the New York Times.
Point being, rickshaws in Scranton.
I have few legs. I sleep on meat.
I’d eat your bra—point being—in a heartbeat.