Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Hey Everyone who reads this: Come check out some of my poems and sketch comedy preformed live in Downtown KCK at the Art Walk. We are on the stage in front of the libary from 4-7 bringing the good old fashioned funny.


J.W. Harding said...

hey man,

how did tonight go? i wish i could have been there, hope all went well. hopefully next month, eh?

Danny said...


Great stuff at KCK this weekend!
I only hope as the weather gets better, more people get out there. It's too good for people to miss out on.

Thanks for dinner and as always...a good time. I will be leading FCA in clapping this week...ask Ashley to tell you how funny it is.

Have a good week!

Anonymous said...


How do I go about reading poems. I think i might just try (to read some poems, that is). Call me 816-304-4376